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Grünes Planen, Wohnen und Leben

Open Spaces in subsidised high-volume residential buildings in Lower Austria

Currently, criteria for open space planning with regard to subsidised high-volume residential buildings in Lower Austria are only partially established: An open space concept is requested in the advisory committee for design and in the architecture and planning selection process. Criteria for green roofs and private gardens are also included in the housing subsidy. 
Approaches for semi-public or public green spaces were developed as part of the project “nature in the garden”: communities, nursery schools, schools, institutions with therapy gardens and initiatives for forming community gardens can be included in consultations.
The present project connects high-volume residential buildings with the content of the project„nature in the garden“.

The following work steps are planned:

  • Implementation of an open space and potential analysis for five selected existing high-volume residential buildings as well as five planned high-volume residential buildings. On this basis, specific proposals for the study areas are formulated and the findings discussed in a stakeholder workshop with the relevant building contractors and members of the advisory committee for design in Lower Austria
  • Review of the “nature in the garden” criteria with regard to both practicability and transferability. The transfer of “nature in the garden” principles and private garden open space planning principles to high-volume residential buildings was also assessed. Discussion of the results of this work step in two stakeholder workshops involving relevant building contractors, facility managements and members of the advisory committee for design in Lower Austria.
    Processing, reflection and synthesis of the previous work steps form the basis of documentation and the creation of a report entitled “Principles for design and care of high quality and natural open spaces in high-volume residential buildings in Lower Austria”.

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