Beiträge zum Schlagwort: Projekte

Partizipation 2.0
The way the living environment of people is planned and designed has an immediate effect on the quality...
Open Spaces in subsidised high-volume residential buildings in Lower Austria
Currently, criteria for open space planning in the context of subsidized large-volume residential construction...
Zukunftsfähige Berufe am Arbeitsmarkt. Status quo, Einschätzungen und Perspektiven
The project “Sustainable Environmental Careers in the Labour Market” starts at the interface between...
Bioclimatic approaches from bioengineering and vegetation technologies to create pleasant learning spaces...
UMWELT-Berufe – Einblicke in die Welt der umwelt- und technologieorientierten F&E-Berufe
Nowadays it is difficult for children and young people to become motivated or enthusiastic about applied...
Gender Consulting für das Projekt SEAMLESS
Gender Consulting for the project SEAMLESS In the project SEAMLESS (Sustainable, Efficient Austrian Mobility...
The project deals with the issue of using living plants as material for technical constructions in the...
Lernraum der Zukunft
In the project “Learning Space of the Future” various participatory and conceptual methods are used to...
Menschen mit Demenz im öffentlichen Verkehr
Empirical data and literature research of a preliminary project are the data basis. The project focuses...
Urban Cool Down
The objective of the project “Urban Cool Down“ is to define new ways of cooling down urban areas and...