In the project “Learning Space of the Future” various participatory and conceptual methods are used to give children and young people in (pre-)schools in Vorarlberg the opportunity to handle the technological and spatial development of their own learning space.
Children and young people are given the means to think through a complete design process based on planning practice and to work it out theoretically and also practically (e.g. building models or prototypes) on their own. Because the process is close to their own experience and context of life they are more motivated to become involved and knowledgeable.
Getting to know different role models from technical disciplines as well as excursions to successful design projects, technology companies and smart rooms help to enrich the experience of children and young people. The planned hands-on process has the potential to arouse their interest in research, technology and innovation, to promote networking between educational institutions, science and the private sector and to live the idea of social inclusion in the content conveyed and through the people involved.